Wife’s Twin Sister

Ask The Fellas
Ask The Fellas
Wife's Twin Sister

Episode 154

(00:23) Welcoming Osoe to the show.

(7:55) Growing up in the hood.

(17:11) LISTENER QUESTION: Could the Fellas practice abstinence for 6 months to earn $10,000.

(24:45) Sho’Mar’s Question: Your best friend dating your wife’s twin.

(47:05) OSOE QUESTION: If you found a home made porn by your friend and their wife/girlfriend, would you watch it?  And would you tell them you found it?

(42:50) Recording yourself during sex.

(44:50) The coveted man that makes six-figures.

(55:08) What did you give up in order to move forward in your relationship?


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